School Curriculum Intent
School Curriculum Intent
Our curriculum is designed to transform the lives of our students by inspiring the next generation of designers and engineers to be independent creative problem solvers. Our curriculum empowers students with the knowledge and ability to solve problems by applying their practical, mathematics and creative skills to a variety of real-life problems. The core elements of English, Maths and the Sciences underpin the work in the specialisms of Engineering and IT. We place a real emphasis on teaching from a first principles basis, we want our students to question why they are doing what they do, to really understand the subject matter and in turn gain a much deeper understanding and knowledge of the processes involved. We have a fundamental belief that all students can succeed, and this is achieved through the process of intelligent practice and effective curriculum sequencing.
With this in mind, our curriculum:
- Is underpinned by our learning philosophy of Brain, Emotion and Motivation
- Is academically challenging and supports students’ progress through promoting knowledge-rich learning, reading and literacy
- Is sequenced, progressive and responsive to the needs of our students
- Is broad, balanced and ambitious for all students, regardless of prior attainment
- Maximises opportunities to apply theoretical knowledge to real life problems and employer led projects/workshops/seminars
- Develops high quality verbal, written, visual and digital communication skills
- Promotes ALET Attributes of professional, confident, enterprising, aware, and resilience
- Develops students’ cultural capital and builds community so that students know how to relate to people who don’t share the same culture, think the same way or believe the same things
- Promotes personal responsibility and the importance of demonstrating kindness, showing respect