

Here you will find all the information that relates to our careers and student destinations offer at UTC Heathrow, including key contacts, useful documentation for parents, students, employers and teachers, as well as our careers programme. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you would like further information.

Career Leads

Ian Wilkins

Ian is Vice Principal at UTC Heathrow, as well as leading careers. He also line manages the Engineering, Design Technology, Science and Information Technology departments and supports Candace Rose Kumi in all the work she does to partner our students with the Employer Engagement Strategy. Ian works closely with the KS5 students on their studies and is proud of our student destinations, be it either university, apprenticeships or straight in to the world of work. The careers, information and guidance at the UTC is second to none and the school works hard to maintain the highest levels of professionality.

Candace Rose Kumi

Candace Rose Kumi is the Employer Engagement and Careers Lead at UTC Heathrow. She works collaboratively with Michael Halliday the Head of Employer Engagement Strategy, to deliver the new Digital Futures Programme which was kick started back in October 2021. Working with UTC Heathrow employer partners, she has been instrumental in the planning of meaningful workshops and projects for all students, in preparation for the world of work. As well as this, Candace has the responsibility of planning and implementing UTC Heathrow’s careers strategy, which enables the school to meet all eight of the Gatsby benchmarks.

The eight Gatsby benchmarks of Good Career Guidance

The UTC seeks to provide a careers guidance programme that meets each of the Gatsby Benchmarks.

  1. A stable careers programme
  2. Learning from career and labour market information
  3. Addressing the needs of each pupil
  4. Linking curriculum learning to careers
  5. Encounters with employers and employees
  6. Experiences of workplaces
  7. Encounters with further and higher education
  8. Personal guidance

We seek to enable students to achieve the relevant outcomes related to their year group in accordance with the Gatsby Benchmarks, and structure our activities as such:

Year Group Learning Outcomes
10 To have a variety of employability skills and be able to put them into practice
11 To understand a variety of routes into further education and employment
12 To be able to identify my strengths and weaknesses and develop a personal development plan
13 To develop the skills needed to live and/or work independently


Year Group Activity
10 Four CoTeach Lessons
11 Two CoTeach Lessons
KS4 Two Challenge Days
12 Three CoTeach Projects 
13 Work Placements 
KS5 BTEC CoTeach Projects run throughout the year 
KS5 One CoTeach Workshop per year
  • Annual careers fair
  • PPD programme – The Future – focus on aspirations, ambitions, CVs, interview skills, career options and pathways
  • Scheduled session with independent careers advisor (3rd party provision)
  • careers talks in assemblies each year
  • Employer projects within specialist curriculum

Career Plans for Year 10-13

Useful Information

Please click on the links below to access key information relevant to employers, parents, students and teachers:

External platforms


Year 10


Year 12

Our Partners