Send & Safeguarding


At UTC Heathrow we aim to:

  • Meet the individual needs of students
  • Overcome barriers to learning
  • Raise student self-esteem
  • Build student confidence
  • Develop student independence
  • Provide students with access to a broad and balanced education

At UTC Heathrow we aim to provide holistic SEN support, using staff to provide support in classes, without hindering the individuality and independence of the students.

The support in class is focused around the needs of the student and is based on strong relationships and good communication between staff, students and parents, which we believe is key to enabling maximum progress.

We are flexible in our support of students and look to develop them, academically, emotionally and socially. We are quick to identify the needs of students and make excellent use of external stakeholders to identify needs and implement support.

The SEND team currently comprises Aaron Sohi (SENCO) and Beverley Pearce (Senior Coordinator), though we are currently in the process of expanding the team through recruitment in order to expand our range of interventions and classroom support.

Key SEND Contacts and documents

Assistant Principal/SENCO – Aaron Sohi:

SEND Coordinator – Beverley Pearce:

For information about our provision for children and young people with special educational needs (SEND), for example our Local Offer and SEND report, please have a look at our local policies and procedures webpage.


At UTC Heathrow we strive to ensure our students feel safe and supported. We want them to know who they can talk to and how to access support both in school and from outside agencies. We seek to educate and empower young people to be aware of their rights, social responsibilities and make healthy and informed life choices.

We encourage open communication with students and their families who are able to contact staff directly when needed.

Parents or students who have a concern they would like to discuss and aren’t sure who to talk to should contact our key contacts below.

Key safeguarding Contacts

Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL):

Jas Kallah –

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL):

Gemma Gardiner –

Designated Safeguarding Officers (DSO):

Ian Wilkins –,

Aaron Singh Sohi – and;

Sarah Carey –

Designated Teacher responsible for Looked After Children:

Jas Kallah –

Key safeguarding Documents

To find key documents, for example our Trust Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy, please look at our Policies and Procedures page.

UTC Heathrow Local Child Protection and Safeguarding Contacts

CEOP Command – formerly the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre, works with child protection partners across the UK and overseas to identify the main threats to children and coordinates activity against these threats to bring offenders to account.


Year 10


Year 12

Our Partners