Students take part in Engineering Insights Week at Heathrow Airport

Nov 9, 2022


Students forfeited their lie-ins over half term, instead taking up the fantastic opportunity to take part in a Heathrow Engineering Insights Week at Britain’s busiest airport – Heathrow.

Eleven Year 13 students enjoyed the exclusive behind-the-scenes visit– where they found out what it takes to deliver maintenance and engineering to more than 500,000 different assets, from rail systems to reservoirs, airbridges to passenger screening, terminal facilities to runway lighting control, and baggage belts to concrete bays.

Students interacted with a diverse range of engineers, including engineering apprentices and graduates, learning about the essential skills needed to succeed in a career at Heathrow Airport. They also completed various team-building activities and took part in an interview practice session to further hone their employability skills.

All students will be invited to apply for the Heathrow Engineering Apprenticeahip in 2023.

Grant Cooper, Lead Airport Control Engineer (and former engineering apprentice) at Heathrow, said: “The students were highly engaged and couldn’t wait to learn all about how the Heathrow engineering team keeps Britain’s busiest airport on the move. We hope the Engineering Insights Week has played a role in preparing these young people for a future career in engineering at the airport.”

For more information on Heathrow’s engineering apprenticeship, please click here:

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